Saturday, January 28, 2017

Jan 27 podcast is up (day late!)

We had to work this week, so the Obvious Brothers pod is just loaded on  Please subscribe, follow, hit "like"...all those things to make people believe we have fans.  PLEASE!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Week of Jan 20 podcast is up!

Yes! This week's pod is in the can and it's now on SoundCloud!  Listen!  Subscribe!  Tell your friends!  If you don't have any, tell your relatives, especially since you owe them for the pain of the holidays.  Kill 16 minutes with the Obvious Bros.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

This week's pod is out!

Hey! Yo!

This week's podcast is out.  18 minutes of BS, with our special guest Swerve (you find out the famed origin of this nickname) -- talking the Alabama-Clemson game, ACC basketball, our picks, and a record number of uses of the laugh track. :)  Enjoy.

And remember to subscribe on SoundCloud.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Week of Jan 6 Pod is Out!

Hear ye, hear ye!  The latest Obvious Brothers podcast is up on Soundcloud ( -- obviously!)

We talk some NFL, then a bit on the college football playoffs, some IU & PU & B10 basketball, then our famous 3 picks -- Steve is now 8-3-1 and JP 5-6-1.

Listen! Subscribe on Soundcloud -- we are still waiting to hear from iTunes, but we need listeners!

We cut this week's pod to keep it close to our 15 minute guideline (no jokes were left on the cutting room floor, no matter matter how bad).

We are working with an agent to get a guest for next week -- but do we need someone else being obvious?  or a genius? :)